We were thrilled when Special Treats Productions approached us to create graphics for an in-depth behind-the-scenes breakdown of Daniel Craig’s tenure as James Bond. This documentary delves into the process of becoming Bond and the impact it had on Daniel and the producers of the highly successful franchise. Originally scheduled for release before the movie debuted in 2020, we were tasked with creating a variety of graphics, including press breakdowns.
A significant part of our work involved cleaning up and rebuilding press clippings to ensure a polished and professional look. We then collaborated with director Baillie Walsh to create several animated breakdowns, highlighting key elements of the dialogue and interviews.
The graphics we created added depth and visual interest to the documentary, enhancing the storytelling and providing a visually captivating experience for the audience. The documentary is now available to stream on Apple TV+, allowing fans to gain a deeper understanding of Daniel Craig’s journey as James Bond.